Premium Organic Henna for Body Art & Hair | Exceptional Henna Services

Body Art

Discover our collection of premium quality organic henna cones, jagua henna cones, henna aftercare products, and beautiful henna stencils! Our organic henna cones yield a dark stain on the skin and are 100% natural and chemical free! They're perfect for everyone including kids, pregnant women, and those with sensitive skin

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Herbal Hair Colour

Colour, nourish, and repair hair with the goodness of herbs! Dye hair in red, brown, and black tones with organic henna and indigo, free of harmful chemicals and preservatives

Shop Herbal Hair Colour

Henna Services

Bring your henna vision to life! Whether it's a private session, a lively henna party, or bridal henna for your big day, we create stunning designs just for you!

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Explore the properties and benefits of natural body art and hair colour, proper application techniques, and aftercare to achieve the best results!


Artisan Collection for Henna Artists